
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

welcome christmas break!

finals are over and christmas break has arrived. i was beginning to think it would NEVER get here. it is only ten days until christmas! eeeek! how great is that?! its one more thing i have counted down for and it is here! i absolutely adore checking things off my to do list and counting down to important days for motivation. my sweet friend mara introduced me to the greatest app on the iphone! its name is quite original, "days until." :) you can add anything you want and it will automatically count down the days until that even is. i have put so many things in and it just brings a smile to my face when something arrives! the small things in life are so great! what did we do before iphones? i officially added my trip to africa on my countdown and starting from today it is 376 days away. time will fly and i can't wait to be there ringing in the new year in a different country. i added up my finances for that trip and decided if i received no help from anyone else, which i plan to ask for some, i could save $10 a day and i could have some spending money as well as my trip payed for! now all i need is a prescription for some major medication to make me sit still on the 16 hour plane ride:)
i had lunch with a friend today and heard some horrible news. the father of a girl i graduated with died last week. it broke my heart to hear the news. you never know when things like this are going to happen. we are never promised another day and i think if everyone realized what this meant there wouldn't be as many dysfunctional relationships. it teaches us to never take anything for granted.
anyone who knows me knows i LOVE LOVE LOVE fashion! i am trying a new hair-do tomorrow :) i am bringing back rollers! we will see how that goes! i also got this beautiful scarf today for $10! i can't wait to wear it! maybe i will have somwhere to wear it soon! hint hint;)

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